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What is the operating pressure range of butterfly valves?

The operating pressure range of butterfly valves can vary depending on factors such as the valve design, size, materials of construction, and application requirements. However, in general, butterfly valves are known for their ability to handle a wide range of operating pressures.

For smaller butterfly valves commonly used in residential or light industrial applications, the operating pressure range can typically be around 150 psi (pounds per square inch) or lower. These valves are often used for low-pressure applications such as HVAC systems, water distribution, and small-scale industrial processes.

For larger butterfly valves used in industrial applications, the operating pressure range can be significantly higher. These valves are designed to handle higher pressures and can have operating pressure ratings ranging from 150 psi to 600 psi or even higher, depending on the specific valve and application. These valves are commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, and water treatment.

It’s important to note that the specific operating pressure range for a butterfly valve will be specified by the manufacturer and may vary based on factors such as valve size, material, and design standards. It is crucial to consult the manufacturer’s documentation or technical specifications for accurate and detailed information regarding the operating pressure range of a specific butterfly valve.

How is the size of a butterfly valve determined, and what are the common size ranges available?

The size of a butterfly valve is typically determined by the diameter of the valve’s disc or the inner diameter of the valve’s body. ductile iron double eccentric butterfly valve The size is expressed as the nominal pipe size (NPS) or the valve’s “inch” size, which corresponds to the inner diameter of the pipe or the valve body that the valve is intended to be installed in.

Common size ranges available for butterfly valves can vary depending on the industry and application. However, butterfly valves are available in a wide range of sizes, from small diameters for residential and light industrial applications to large diameters for heavy-duty industrial applications.

Here are some common size ranges you may come across:

Small Sizes: Butterfly valves can be found in smaller sizes, typically ranging from 1/2 inch (NPS 1/2) to 12 inches (NPS 12). These smaller sizes are often used in residential plumbing systems, HVAC applications, and small-scale industrial processes.

Medium Sizes: Medium-sized butterfly valves are commonly available in the range of 14 inches (NPS 14) to 48 inches (NPS 48). These sizes are frequently used in various industrial applications, including water treatment plants, chemical processing, and power generation.

Large Sizes: For heavy-duty industrial applications or large-scale infrastructure projects, butterfly valves are available in larger sizes. These sizes can range from 54 inches (NPS 54) and above, depending on the specific application requirements.

It’s important to note that the availability of specific size ranges can vary depending on the manufacturer and industry standards. Additionally, different countries may have different size standards, such as metric sizes in some regions. When specifying or selecting a butterfly valve, it’s crucial to consider the required size based on the pipe or system it will be installed in, as well as the flow rate and system pressure requirements. Consulting with the manufacturer or referring to industry standards can help ensure the appropriate size selection for your specific application.